Cross Section Viewer


This site is the primary support resource for the cross section viewer. Use the Online Help section for instructions on how to use the software and the Technical Reference for understanding the calculations used to report the various results shown throughout the software.

Personalized Support & Training

Contact the Cross Section Viewer development team should you wish to purchase personalized support or training.

Reporting Issues

We use GitHub issue tracking for asking questions and getting help as well as reporting bugs. You can search the forum for past issues without a login, but to post to the forum you will need to create a free GitHub account. Please take care to review the existing open issues and avoid logging items that are already being tracked.

  Report a bug

When reporting an issue please remember to include the following information:

  • Cross Section Viewer software version (available on the About Screen).
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.
  • Expected outcome as well as the error message observed. Cut and paste the “details” information into the issue text.
  • Screenshots of the affected screens.
  • Screen capture videos can be extremely useful. We recommend Fastone Image Catpure on Windows or QuickTime on Mac OSX.