1.2.2 - 6 Feb 2018
- Lateral Change Tool
- Normalizing bed change (y axis on both plots).
- Fixing the distance from defined station plot X axis label when displaying normalized results.
- New Jekyll online help system.
1.2.1 - 4 Dec 2017
- Long profile viewer changes
- River mile range automatically adjusts based on which long profiles are turned on.
- Station elevation math reversed relative to reference plane.
1.2.0 - 23 Oct 2017
- Long profile tool changes:
- New center of mass calculation.
- Fixes when there are no survey points within channel.
- New longitudinal profile viewer.
- New Horizontal adjustment tool.
- Lateral change tool enhancements:
- Display based on distances to far bank.
- Display based on normalized values.
1.1.56 - 10 Jan 2017
- Removed positive elevation constraint on the import template.
- Fixed not a number (NaN) values in area depth calculator.
1.1.55 - 5 Dec 2016
- Longitudinal Change Viewer
- Constraining reference stations possible for both common and original extents
- Improved tracking of when the UI needs to reload cross section data.
1.1.54 - 2 Dec 2016
- Longitudinal change user interface changes
- constraining by reference station is subset of common extents
- constraining by common extents is only possible with coincident cross sections
1.1.53 - 30 Nov 2016
- Improvements to Longitudinal Change Tool.
1.1.52 - 16 Nov 2016
- New feature to export cross section attributes from the main graph plot.
1.1.51 - 28 Oct 2016
- The downstream and upstream river miles on the bed elevation change tool can now range from 0 to 10,000. They were previously locked from 0 to 500.
- HEC HDF5 import now correctly determines the maximum CrossSectionID during multiple imports. Note time series names within the HDF5 must not already exist in the database as survey names. The workaround is to hand edit the survey names after importing the first HDF5 file before processing subsequent files.
Known Issues
- Longitudinal Change Tool still has bug accumulating volume change.
error establishing table adapters
warning message on main graph plot.
1.1.50 - 21 Oct 2016
- Fixed SDF Import Process
- Warning messages are reported and the import aborted when easting, northing or sailing line distances are negative.
- When vertical walls are encountered the survey point statiion is increased by 0.01ft instead of 0.001ft.
1.1.49 - 14 Oct 2016
- Fixed bug in HDF5 importer related to reading multi-dimensional arrays.
1.1.48 - 12 Oct 2016
- HEC SDF geometry import fixed to allow vertical walls by offseting the station 0.01ft.
- First operational version of the HEC HDF5 geometry file import.
- Fixed clearing the survey list on main cross section plot when the LiDAR option is changed.
- Fixed missing
date field when importing CRPs. - Fixed when reference stages are missing
1.1.47 - 4 Aug 2016
- Longitudinal change tool
- Re-introduced river mile filtering (it was disabled when the tool was re-written for non-coincident reaches)
- Changed y-axis labels for bed elevation plots
- Area / Depth Distribution Tool - disabled redundant warning when the deepest depth bin is reached and the length of the bed only partially fills the bin.
1.1.46 - 6 July 2016
- Longitudinal Change tool
- Enforcing that transects refresh their internal properties when they are trimmed so that the top width is always accurate.
- Fixing the trimming of cross sections to common extents.
- Adding new and old areas to the output file.
1.1.45 - 24 June 2016
- Longitudinal change viewer with non-coincident reaches.
- HEC water surfaces available for use in the Surface Area/ Depth Distribution tool.
1.1.41 - 5 Apr 2016
- Automatically selecting the first reference plane in comboboxes throughout the software. This should fix the issue with the longitudinal plot not working initially.
1.1.40 - 30 Mar 2016
- Removed the constraint that a reference plane must be selected in the longitudinal change plot.
1.1.39 - 21 Mar 2016
- Removed constraint that cross section survey point elevations must be greater than zero. This required a change in both the code and the database format.
- Database version incremented to 1.17
1.1.38 - 7 Mar 2016
- Fixed bed change calculations. Now matches J Shelley’s spreadsheet columns.
- Implemented new reference plane store in the software and updated all forms to use this store wherever CRP was previously used. i.e. All tools can now use either CRPs or long profiles to cap cross sections.
- User now asked to confirm that they want to calculate cross section spacing before this (potentially lengthy) calculation is performed.
- LiDAR data now appearing in list of surveys on main graph plot form.
- Merging bathymetric transects with synthetic transects in main graph plot.
1.1.37 - 4 Feb 2016
- Trimming asterisks from river mile values during SDF import.
1.1.36 - 17 Dec 2015
- Fixing the way units are retrieved from database at start-up. This was causing a bug in the SDF import whereby units were getting converted.
- Fixing high banks appearing in main graph plot.
1.1.35 - 14 Dec 2015
- Incrementing required database format to 1.16
- Main cross section plot now displays high banks as black lines.
1.1.34 - 2 Dec 2015
- Lateral change calculator prototype.
1.1.33 - 5 Nov 2015
- Implemented long profile generator for average bed elevation (using integrated area approach).
- Fixed bug that meant max elevation long profiles were actually generated as minimum (Thalweg) elevation profiles.
- Long profile form tool tips.
1.1.32 - 3 Nov 2015
- Long Profile Tool.
- Revised database structure to support long profile tool.
1.1.31 - 25 Sep 2015
- Fixed HEC import when the SDF file does not contain high bank values.
1.1.30 - 18 Sep 2015
- HEC geometry file import improvements
- cross section survey stations based on previous point, not the first point
- User can pick from list of water surface profiles
- tool tips
- naming of items ensures uniqueness
- SDF file header automatically used as default survey remarks
- ability to cancel process part-way through
- units collapsed to a single drop down
- New more granular precision settings under Tools-Options
- Linear, area, volume, longitudinal
- Longitudinal change plot now uses these four settings appropriately
- Creating a new cross section database defaults the river name to the database file name if the user has not already provided a river name.
1.2.28 - 10 Sep 2015
- First version of the HEC geometry file import feature.
- Fixing numeric up-down issues on longitudinal plot.
1.1.27 - 8 Aug 2015
- Main cross section graph tool now sorts cross sections by river mile (not by display name which may not be alphabetical when using stationing).
1.1.26 - 5 Aug 2015
- Fixed rounding of longitudinal change values to whole integers.
1.1.25 - 17 Jul 2015
- Fixed importing station-based cross section data.
- New surface area to depth plot.
- Released in conjunction with database version 15.
- Latest vertical adjustments from USACE
- High precision sailing line distances.
1.1.23 - 11 May 2015
- Fixed filtering of stations for both inside and outside RCL.
- Fixed accumulating bins in longitudinal viewer when viewing bed elevation change.
- Version 1.15 of the database:
- IsSynthetic field now present on surveys, ready to accommodate LiDAR data.
1.1.22 - 28 March 2015
- New Cross Section Area Tool
- Updated longitudinal plot top width that excludes capped segments
- Several forms are now linked to this online help site.
1.1.21 - 20 March 2015
- Longitudinal change plot shows actual change when in binned mode. (The plot is still cumulative when viewing individual cross sections.)
- Cross section grid now shows cross section display text when it is present (in place of river miles).
- Cross section grid now works even when there are no surveys in the database.
- Deleting items from the grid views uses wait cursor.
- Importing cross section definitions now allowed.
- Moved the import menus to the data grid views.
- Compact and Repair database tool enabled on the Help menu.
1.1.19 - 6 March 2015
- New data management grids for the following database tables
- surveys
- reference station types
- reference stage types
- CRPs
- bend names
- whole river miles
- These data management tables can all be exported to CSV
- Users can create new, empty cross section database (for chutes or other river systems)
- Cross sections can be referenced by ID, river mile or stationing.
- User can import
- cross sections
- reference stations
- CRP elevations
- Physical attribute selections now apply to surveys
- Reference stations and stages are dynamic on the main graph plot
- Longitudinal change plot logic is now “old - new”
- KML generator available to users
- KML to KMZ conversion
- Improved database information screen
- New Leaflet map viewer
Known Issues
- Selection filters using offset from CRP are not implemented correctly.
- Longitudinal change plot calculations are based on river miles not sailing line distances.
- Longitudinal change plot controls for RCL and CRP not implemented the way USACE requires them.
- Elevation change and area/depth plots are still not updated.
- User interface needs to reflect correct units (i.e. should they specify something other than feet)
1.1.12 - 2 Dec 2014
- Updated longitudinal change plots.
- Removed rounding of intermediate area, volume and bed change values.
- Validated using test dataset 1.
1.1.11 - 18 Nov 2014
- Import template implemented.
- Cross Section Viewer now ships with an empty copy of the import template.
- Importing populated templates now works from the Access format database.
1.1.10 - 23 Oct 2014
- Includes the new test dataset generation feature.
1.1.8 - 2 Oct 2014
- Volume change plot now exports the same values as shown in the plot. This uses a new “DisplayVolume” class used for both the plot and the file export.
- Indexing cross sections now done via river mile - not sailing distance
- Changing from “all stations” to inside/outside reference stations now filters the stations correctly.
- Fixed error when the upper and lower river miles are so close that the max/min x axis range produces an interval of zero.
1.1.4 - 9 Sep 2014
- Cleaned up some minor workflow with importing cross sections
- it was failing to convert strings of cross section counts into integers because of the integer
- now closes the import form if the user cancels the initial browse dialog
- Fixed several glitches with the new longitudinal plots.
- No upper elevation can be determined for cross sections beyond the range of CRP inflection points. These cross sections are now ignored from the analysis.
- Some cross sections are returning negative area. A new try/catch is used to skip these cross sections from the analysis.
1.1.3 - 9 Sep 2014
- New “Longitudinal Change” plot introduced. Handles both cumulative volume change and bed elevation change.
- Fixed deleting selection directly from selections gridview using the delete key.
1.1.2 - 16 Aug 2014
- All numerical displays of river miles are reverted back to showing actual river miles instead of sailing line distances.
- Works with version 6 of the database.
1.1.1 - 8 Aug 2014
- Database version increment to 5.
- All database tables updated to the same naming convention.
- tblCrossSections is now CrossSections
- tblSurveys is now Surveys
- tblCrossSectionPoints is now CrossSectionSurveyPoints
- All references to the field XSEC_ID are now updated to CrossSectionID.
- Transects now possess both a RiveRMile and SailingLine attribute. The latter is now used to calculate upstream and downstream cross section separation and is also used for all display of distances in the software. i.e. Any references to RiverMiles in the software are actually using sailing line distances.
- Several minor user interface tweaks to the cross section graph plot
- Y axis overrides now respect the associated checkbox.
- Offset filtering now respects the associated checkbox.
- Fixed minor glitch when showing a cross section that is outside the CRP inflection points. Previously this threw an error.